08 Lug Allianz – Ready for a healthy ride?
Allianz Life Indonesia is cooperating with GO-JEK, an Indonesian ride-sharing start-up, to offer a comprehensive health insurance program for drivers and their families.
Navigating the streets of Jakarta can be a tricky business. Not only are you likely to encounter heavy city traffic, but your personal safety is also at risk. It is no surprise then that GO-JEK, a new ride-sharing start-up launched in 2015, has become very popular with locals and visitors alike. A few clicks on your smartphone lead to a speedy pick-up by a green-uniformed motorcycle driver. Charges are pre-calculated and you are equipped with a helmet. And now, thanks to a recent partnership with Allianz Life Indonesia, GO-JEK is also able to provide health insurance to its 200,000 drivers, their spouses and children.
The new cover offers both inpatient and outpatient care through an Allianz-established network of doctors and hospitals to keep premiums down and ensure clients are quickly served. “This product does not only provide benefits, but also offers an easy access for the drivers who are always mobile, including registration, premium payment, and claim submission,” said Todd Swihart, Director of Allianz Life Indonesia.
The service is critical in a country where many remain underinsured, despite the government’s efforts to bring universal healthcare to all Indonesians by 2019. This ambitious plan aims to address those who are too poor to be part of private schemes, but not poor enough to qualify for governmental support. But proper access to medical facilities and staff are amongst the key obstacles to realizing this ambition plan. And this is where such partnerships as Allianz GO-JEK can play a key role in supplementing government’s efforts.
“This is part of GO-JEK’s commitment to help our drivers to improve their health and wellbeing, as well as that of their family members. With an affordable premium and easy access to an insurance platform, this partnership will give our drivers the peace of mind that they have a comprehensive health coverage,” said Nadiem Makarim, CEO GO-JEK Indonesia.
Source: Allianz News